#14: Student Spotlight: How to Get Compelling Stories from Your Technical Staff with Corey Lynch
I’m so excited to share this student success story with you today.
Corey Lynch, marketing manager for PhiloWilke Partnership, not only learned proposal management concepts inside The Proposal Pro Course but put them into action. And, she got amazing results!
It sounds so simple when I put it like that.
But, here’s the reason I’m sharing her story with you today and why I have invited her on the show to talk about her wild success. We can all learn the foundational principles of proposal management. Many of us may already know what we should or need to be doing.
However, it’s putting it into action part where many of us get stuck.
Sometimes, we don’t know what to do to take what we learn and put it into action. Sometimes, we are scared to take that next step. Sometimes, we just need to be inspired, to be motivated to “just do it.”
And, that my friend, is why I have asked Corey to share her story with you.
If you don’t come away feeling inspired, then I don’t know what else will inspire you. I had goosebumps during our conversation and got them again when I was editing the episode. So, I don’t think that will be a problem.
Here’s a summary of what Corey shared with us:
- Why she originally joined The Proposal Pro Course even as an experienced marketer.
- How she uses some of the lessons learned, like the Proposal Kick-off Meeting, to come to each proposal effort in a more professional manner.
- Using the Differentiation Framework elements like features vs. benefits to make data gathering more exciting.
- She tells us about a story about how, during a shortlist interview preparation effort, she was able to get a compelling story from her technical team. A story that probably won them that project.
- How that process left a lasting effect on the client, her efforts for future proposals, and the medical planner herself.
- This process taught her team that’s the type of information they need to make their proposals and presentations more compelling and memorable.
- And, through this process, she realizes that she must help her technical professionals get beyond feeling that what they do day-in and day-out is important and amazing. And, that her and her marketing team is there to tell that story.
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