#18: How to Rediscover Joy and Mental Wellbeing
Who isn’t extra stressed out today? Between our work, trying to homeschool or kids, the upcoming election, and trying to stay healthy we have a lot on our backs. Most of us are on edge nearly all of the time.
What if there was a way to relieve some of that stress. To let go. To let go of the frustrations that aren’t bringing you joy. To let go of feeling like everyone is trying to make your life more difficult.
Your project manager is purposely not getting you the information you need for your proposal.
Your child’s teacher is purposely giving an extra weekend project on top of their already heavy school workload.
I think we could all use a little bit of help in this area, including me. That’s why I reached out to my friend, Danielle Gray, MBA, to tell us why are feeling this way and some ways to break this thought process.
Many of you may know Danielle as the “Content Whisperer” from her many workshops and presentations across the country. Some of you may not know that she has been on a personal journey to work on herself. I was able to witness this first-hand at her very personal and moving keynote address at the SMPS Southeastern Regional Conference a few years back. Since then, she is living, as she puts it, “her best self,” has found joy, and wants to help others reclaim their joy.
Her personal mission is to “remind you what it feels like to be human.”
I find this especially important now because the line between work and home life have blurred. Because of this, we need to focus on our mental health and wellbeing. It’s just as important as any proposal or presentation you are working on right now.
And, Danielle gives us some great advice to get started. We talk about:
- What victim mentality is and how it shows up in our industry
- Why it’s so important to talk about these topics today
- A few ways we can start to let go and shift our thinking to start bringing joy back to our lives

Meet Danielle Gray, MBA
Danielle is a passionate marketer committed to contributing and creating genuine, humanized marketing that listens and solves instead of tells and sells.
She is devoted to creating an online/digital marketing strategy that contributes profitable growth and enhances market credibility by aligning with the company vision, mission and goals.
The ways she serves her mission of reminding us to be human again are through her companies.
DG Marketing Company – She works with clients to shift their marketing to listen and solve, rather than tell and sell.
[safe space] – She created [safe space] for professionals that need a place that they can have real conversations about their personal and professional development. This is a place where professionals can be all of who they are…flawed, lovable humans. There is no wrong answer here—just insight and perspective.
Unoia – Unoia means beautiful thinking and is her CBD lifestyle brand focused on mental health, mindfulness, and self-care.
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2 thoughts on “How to Rediscover Joy and Mental Wellbeing”
Love this topic! Thank you Lindsay and Danielle for all that you do to help AEC marketers!
Hi Erika,
Thank you so much for listening and your support.