#33: How to Lead Change at your A/E/C Firm - Part 2
We are back with part two of my interview with Rana Blair. Rana has some great advice about how to act and help make changes in your AEC firm. In today’s episode, we talk about how change needs to come from within and be supported by management.
As you work through your change, be sure to keep in communication. Communication is vital to prevent any unrealistic expectations and keeps your team both moving forward and in the same direction. Rana’s ideas on thinking about your change and making sure you know why you are making the change are wonderful advice for any firm or in your daily life.
And I love how she ends today’s episode, “Don’t be afraid of change. Be afraid of staying where you are.”
Here are a few key points you may want to review:
- Rana’s thoughts on “buy-in” and Dr. William Bridges thought on management – 2:32
- Senior Management needs to participate in change – 3:46
- Clear and concise communication is key – 4:48
- The ‘What’s in it for me” principle – 7:29
- Quick ways to induce a change in your firm – 10:52
- Spend time thinking about why you want to change – 12:16
- Help people understand the journey – 13:54
- Who is the architect of change? – 17:27
- #1 piece of advice for new AEC marketer? – 18:13
- What’s your favorite win – 18:30
- What are you excited about? – 19:31
Don’t miss part one of my interview with Rana at www.marketerstakeflight.com/29

About Rana Blair - Senior Consultant, Full Sail Partners
Rana Blair is a Senior Consultant at Full Sail Partners with more than 20 years of experience working with finance, operations, human resources, and administrative teams. As an accounting professional with broad operational experience, Rana’s background provides her a unique ability to provide project-based professional services firm guidance on how to best streamline and improve operations. Rana provides consulting services on the Deltek Vision and Vantagepoint finance and project management applications. She is also an evangelist for the power of collaboration using Deltek Collaboration.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Rana Blair's Bio - https://www.fullsailpartners.com/staff/rana-blair
- Dr. William Bridges Transition Management - https://wmbridges.com/
- Change Management Curve - https://frontlinemanagementexperts.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/bridges-model-situational-leadership-gary-tremolada.png
- Episode 29 - Part 1 How to Lead Change at your A/E/C firm
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