#45: Get Found Online: Creating Content for Your Ideal Future Clients
We are back for the second episode with Bryon McCartney. If you remember from Episode 44, Bryon dove deep into your website SEO best practices. In this episode, we continue our conversation about websites and how to create content for them to make the biggest impact on your future clients.
While ‘news’ and updates are good for your website, Bryon talks about the importance of creating content that will draw your next client in. Think about your ideal client and write your content to them. Consistency is key and we discuss a few strategic ways even small firms can reach their audiences with high-quality content. Don’t forget to harvest that content and repurpose it. Today’s episode will explain all this and more.
Here are a few highlights:
- 3 key content categories that work: 5:58
- Postmortem meetings: 10:01
- Content ideas: 12:23
- Dedicated content creation: 13:35
- How small firms create consistently high-quality content: 16:14
- Systematic, measurable, and repeatable content creation: 19:01
- How to measure the success of this effort: 22:27
- What are you excited about? – Don’t miss this one: 32:07

Bryon McCartney, Chief Creative Strategist at Archmark*
Bryon McCartney is the co-founder and Chief Creative Strategist at Archmark* Architect Branding and Marketing.
Archmark has studied more than 550 architecture firm websites to learn how architects can improve their online presence.
Archmark’s programs and resources have helped more than 2,000 architects use branding and marketing to increase their firm’s visibility and influence so they can win better projects.
Bryon has more than 30 years of experience working with major clients, including Calvin Klein, General Motors, Lipton Foods, and many others.
Bryon has traveled to more than 160 cities around the globe and considers himself an ”Archi-Geek.”
Bryon is the lead instructor at SEOforArchitects.com and is a featured contributor and speaker for AEC Leadership Today, Architect Marketing Institute, Business of Architecture, Entrearchitect, Zweig Group, and many others.
* pronounced Ark-Mark
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