Why I Want to Help AEC Marketers
My goal is to help you to acclimate quickly to the marketing environment at your engineering, architecture, or construction (AEC) firm. This way you can fully utilize your skills and talents to become an AEC marketing professional.
I want to help you demonstrate your value quickly as an AEC Marketing Professional.
While most firms have some type of new hire orientation and paperwork processing, many do not have formal onboarding for new marketers to the AEC industry. Most proposal production and management learning are done by fire during actual proposal submittals creating tremendous, unnecessary pressure.
We are doing you an injustice by not spending the time providing you with the onboarding necessary not only to acclimate quickly to this marketing environment but to thrive and contribute your talents to your firm.
After building four marketing teams at four different firms, I realized this was a common problem throughout the industry and wanted to help.
It took a lot of time, heartache, and stress to become the AEC marketing professional I am today. Why would I want you to go through that if I can help you alleviate some of it?
If there was a way I could help you just a little, it would be worth it to me. If even one blog post, podcast episode, training course, checklist, or template helps you with just one tiny aspect of your day, proposal, or job, then that is helped me and helped the industry.
I believe that helping new marketers acclimate specifically to the industry helps the entire industry and all other AEC marketing professionals who work in it.
I have had great opportunities over the past 17 years since starting in the AEC industry. It hasn’t been an easy ride.
I spent enormous time and energy researching the industry, marketing strategies, proposal development strategies, and persuasive writing techniques.
Over the years, I have developed systems that work for me and my styles. Then adapted to the firms that I worked in.
Eventually, finding the courage and confidence to get where I am today.
I went from a new marketing coordinator in the industry to a Marketing and Business Development Director serving on a Board of Directors and responsible for managing a nearly $80 million sales goal and nationwide marketing team in seven years.
I became a Principal of an architecture/engineering firm. I also served as the youngest Board of Director for that 50-year-old firm.
Currently, I am the Marketing Manager for Full Sail Partners. I oversee marketing campaigns to position the firm as a leading provider of Deltek Vantagepoint and Blackbox Connector software solutions and business consulting for architecture and engineering firms.
I believe that those opportunities were not just handed to me, but I created them myself.
New opportunities came to me because I crafted my personal brand consistently, produced high-quality work, and demonstrated the value I added to my firm.
I want to share my lessons learned and processes with you.
I want you to be the successful AEC marketing professional that you are capable of and achieve your greatness faster than I did.
I also want to share the success stories of other AEC marketing professionals so we can learn from and support each other.

I did this all while being married and raising two great kids.
It wasn’t always easy. I had to make hard choices – stay at work late or see my family before bedtime. I didn’t always make the right choices. I am lucky to have a very supportive husband and great kids. I have also made it a priority to work for firms and bosses who know and understand that I am a wife and mom.
It’s a constant ebb and flow of priorities and I don’t believe there is a perfect balance. However, I am trying to figure it out with each new season of life.
Which brings me to you.
I’m here to serve. My company is built on my desire to help as many AEC marketing professionals not only survive but thrive in this industry.
Through my free content, podcast, online training programs, and anything else I might offer – I’m in this to help as many of you as possible. To help you build a career that you not only love, but that provides for you and helps you reach your personal as well as professional goals. And to build that career while not sacrificing everything else.
Whether you’re new to the AEC industry or trying to reach that next level, I’m here to help you reach your goals.
Yes, this is a business. Yes, I sell things. Yes, I’m proud and deeply grateful to earn additional funds doing so. But you should know that the vast majority of my work is offered to you 100% free of charge.
My commitment to you is to bring the best of what I’m living, learning, and working on in my own career while keeping it honest.
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship. The best way to keep building our relationship is to sign up for the Marketers Take Flight newsletter – just sign up below by entering your name and email.
And, if you are eager to jumpstart your next content marketing campaign…
…then grab my Ultimate AEC Content Marketing Starter Kit for free by clicking the button below.
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