Discover the art of crafting a dynamic marketing budget with my personal insights from the AEC industry. Join me as we explore actionable strategies to align your financial plans with your firm’s goals.

Discover the art of crafting a dynamic marketing budget with my personal insights from the AEC industry. Join me as we explore actionable strategies to align your financial plans with your firm’s goals.
Now more than ever, our architecture, engineering, and construction firms need to have a more accurate picture of what future sales are coming in or not coming in, to help make other business decisions. How is that handled at your firm? How can help in this effort? What if you…
I have partnered up with my data-loving gal pal, Stacey Ho, CPSM. We are gathering industry-specific research from you about how your firm forecasts. We need your input!
As a marketing leader in your firm, you may want to know how much it is costing your firm to submit proposals and how effective that spending is. Here are some questions to help you decide what factors to consider when calculating your proposal cost effectiveness.
It’s often easy to come up with SMART business goals. However, it’s often difficult to gauge whether your SMART goals are also attainable and realistic.
Get started with developing your A/E/C marketing budget with this guide. In it, I cover what to consider in developing it and provide templates so you can begin today!
Just like almost every other statistic, win rates can be an elusive and manipulated number. There are many factors that can be counted into or left out when calculating the win rate, it is very hard to compare your firm’s number with another firm and often one office’s win rate…
No matter if you love or hate it, AEC marketing budgeting is necessary to be a successful marketing professional. In this article, I provide an introduction to marketing budgeting that you can apply to your firm.
This is the second of a two-part DIY series. In the first part, we discussed market/office specific business development plan. In this article, we discuss the corporate marketing plan. Corporate Marketing Plan Even if you are a single marketing department of one, it is imperative that you develop a corporate…
Crafting a business development plan for an A/E/C firm doesn’t have to be difficult. This article covers the basic outline and even provides you a template so you can begin today.