It’s HERE! THE newest place to get training, tools, and resources specific to A/E/C marketing. It’s called MARKET-ers’ Place and it’s officially open for business. Access MARKET-ers’ Place Here: Why I Created MARKET-ers’ Place When I first started out as a marketing coordinator at an engineering firm, I had…
How to Develop a Go/No Go Evaluation Process
I think that go/no go evaluations have a purpose, I just don’t want you to get hung on the process or a form. This article walks through why you need a go/no go evaluation, steps to develop a process and sample evaluation questions.
Using Strategy to Direct Marketing Efforts
Learn how to use strategy first to determine how to develop your marketing efforts. I will dig in deeper to explain what marketing strategy is and walk through an example specific to professional services firms.
Thinking Differently to be Treated Differently
I have been thinking a lot about the unique position marketing professionals have in the A/E/C industry. Not only in our day to day tasks but about the mindsets we have toward ourselves and our roles within our firms.
Is it possible to change others around us by changing the way we think of ourselves first?
2019 CXps Conference Recap
CXps is the event for those who recognize that CX is (and will continue to be) the differentiator for their firm. This article recaps my conference and key takeaways.
Intro to Proposal Coordination
An introduction to proposal coordination, specific to the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. I cover the five areas involved in proposal coordination: win strategy, proposal management plan, scheduling, content development and getting information from technical staff.
Managing Project Information
This article shares various methods for managing project information for A/E/C firms. It goes through the various methods and ways to automate managing project information. I also share a case study of how a construction firm uses field visits to gather robust project information.
Managing Information: Annual Resume Updates
This article shares how to set up a system for annual resume updates for your A/E/C firm. It also provides some best practices and templates to automate the resume update process.
Managing Resume Information: New Hires
There are a few good moments to capture your firm’s expertise – when they are hired is one of them. Learn how to set up a new hire resume update process.
4 Types of A/E/C Marketing Structures
I share four different types of marketing structures that I have either worked in or researched through my network. I attempt to point out the pros and cons of each to help you decide what may work best for your firm and its current situation.