You may be at the beginning or in the middle of developing your plans for the next year. You might also be having discussions about sales and performance goals for your firm and staff. But, before you can start your goal setting, you should have a good understanding of where…
Beyond Hit Rates: Quantifying Marketing’s Success
One frequent measure of success, is calculating your firm’s hit (win) rate. But what if your marketing department doesn’t submit many proposals? Here’s some other ways quantify your success.
Measurable Performance Goals for A/E/C Marketers
Crafting SMART performance goals for A/E/C marketers isn’t always easy. In this article, I provide some examples that you can use to craft your own SMART goals.
Avoid Proposal Burnout: Initiatives Where Marketers Can Add Value
Proposals are a huge part of an A/E/C marketer’s job but can often lead to burnout. In this article, I share some ideas for initiatives where marketers can add value beyond proposals.
AEC Firm Website Update – Part #3
In part three of this series, I address the “elephant in the room” when it comes to redesigning your website — schedule and costs.
AEC Firm Website Update – Part #2
In this second part of my AEC Firm Website Update series, I get a little more technical. I dig into the differences between design and development, user experience, and more.
Updating Your AEC Firm’s Website? Read This First.
If you’re planning to update your A/E/C firm’s website, read this first. Going through this many times, I give you some advice and lessons learned.
Communication Skills to Conquer “Highly Interactive Meetings”
If you’ve spent more than a week in A/E/C marketing, chances are you’ve been involved in a “highly interactive meeting.” You know the type. Eight people around a conference table. A loose agenda. Everyone has an opinion and expresses it loudly. Sidebar conversations taking place. Folks on their smartphones. It’s…
Where have all of the AEC Marketing Coordinators gone?
Have you notices that there a lot of firms looking for AEC marketing coordinators? Why is this position so hard to find? Read my thoughts and let me know if you agree.
I am grateful to be a Marketing Professional in the AEC Industry
When I sat down to write this article, I thought it might be challenging. With all of the stress, deadlines, and sometimes lack of respect AEC marketers are given, this is often a thankless job. What can I possibly be thankful for as a marketing professional working at an architecture…