Many architecture, engineering, and construction firms are rapidly preparing to send their employees home to work. Because of the Coronavirus, many of them have already banned all company travel and are making plans to have most of their staff work at home. Some A/E/C firms already have a big portion…
New Virtual Co-Working Community for A/E/C Marketers
Introducing a new Virtual Co-Working Community to connect marketers across the country who work in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.
My Secret to Leaving Work at 5 pm Almost Every Day
We are all overworked, trying to balance work/family/friends/social, and need a break. Want to know how this can be accomplished?
Read my latest thoughts on how you can leave at 5 pm without losing your job. Then commit to taking the 5 pm Challenge.
Automating Your Life to Unleash Creativity
Some ways I have automated areas of my life, to minimize decision fatigue, clear my mental clutter and to unleash creativity.
Communication Skills to Conquer “Highly Interactive Meetings”
If you’ve spent more than a week in A/E/C marketing, chances are you’ve been involved in a “highly interactive meeting.” You know the type. Eight people around a conference table. A loose agenda. Everyone has an opinion and expresses it loudly. Sidebar conversations taking place. Folks on their smartphones. It’s…
Organize Each Day to be Home by Dinner and Still Meet Your Deadlines
I often get asked, “How do I get it all done?” And, the answer might surprise you.
Dump the Informational Overload
Focus on ideas to move you towards your goals and away from your pain points. Do you ever go to a conference or even a program and come back with your head spinning with tons of great ideas to implement? Then you get back to the office the following day…
Take Your PTO and Enjoy It!
Why I keep my vacation day balance at zero and you should too! When I was pregnant with my second child, I had been working for the same firm for nearly four years. When I was reviewing the maternity leave policies and figuring out my schedule, I realized that I…