In this episode, I share a lesson from my Proposal Pro Course – Gap Finding. In this lesson, I explain what a gap is and why it’s critical to help differentiate your firm. And then how to find gaps for your pursuits.

In this episode, I share a lesson from my Proposal Pro Course – Gap Finding. In this lesson, I explain what a gap is and why it’s critical to help differentiate your firm. And then how to find gaps for your pursuits.
Learn about the four pillars of data collection and auditing: training, collection, auditing, and reporting. And hear about examples of how CRM data is being used effectively to make intelligent decisions and prepare effective proposals.
You hear that an RFP, you haven’t been tracking, is coming out next week. In this episode, I share 3 items you can begin to work on now to get a jumpstart on that unexpected RFP.
If your proposal cover letters begin with “We are excited to submit…” then this is the episode for you. Learn what makes a cover letter stand out and entice selection committee members to read the rest of your proposal.
Deciding whether an AEC firm should pursue a project or not can turn into heated debates. In this episode, I share why I think it’s so hard for AEC Firms to make these decisions, what the REAL purpose of a go/no go decision should be and walk you through a better approach to go/no go evaluations.
I wouldn’t be a good podcast host if I didn’t end the year with a “Best of” or a “Most popular episode” replay! So here it goes. The most popular podcast episode of 2021 was…Client Research: Proposal Pet Peeves and Common Winning Elements.
Have you ever felt like your internal proposal process was taking too long? In this episode, Kate Robinette, CPSM tells us how to better prepare and execute your next proposal. She gives us the steps to help your team juggle multiple proposals, stay on task with proposals, and maybe even help you streamline your process.
Have you ever wanted to refine your proposal process? How do you ruthlessly eliminate waste from your proposals? In this episode, I talk to Kathryn Bennett, CPSM about applying lean principles to your proposal process.
Have you ever wondered why a client may choose another firm over yours? Interested in making the client’s experience a better one? Sreoshy Banerjea brings her first-hand experience and client research to share clients’ biggest pet peeves, as well as what makes a winning proposal.
Julie Shaffer, CPSM is here with us again to discuss more features of InDesign as well as Scripts, Extensions, and Plugins. Let us help you work more efficiently and make your proposal production easier and faster.