This episode is part two of my discussion with 3 marketing leaders where they share hot o structure your AEC marketing department.

This episode is part two of my discussion with 3 marketing leaders where they share hot o structure your AEC marketing department.
Learn how to structure your AEC marketing department for success with insights from industry leaders. Get tips on organizing teams and more!
Looking to hire a freelance writer for your AEC marketing team? In this episode, Ashley Cisneros Mejia, founder of Talk Freelance to Me, explains the ins and outs of finding and working with a freelancer. From email campaigns to market research, learn how outsourcing your writing projects can help alleviate stress during busy seasons. Tune in for valuable tips and advice on evaluating freelancers and making the most of your team’s time.
Are you looking for that elusive marketing coordinator unicorn for your AEC firm and having a hard time finding the perfect person? It may be time to rethink how you’re approaching how you’re filling those positions. Today’s guest shares some new approaches to try.
This podcast episode explores the differences between sales and marketing roles. Why AEC firms call everyone a marketing coordinator and how that is hurting recruiting and retaining great talent in the industry.
Managing an A/E/C marketing team on its own is difficult. And, if that team is remote, it’s even more challenging. In this podcast episode, Kari Nemiro shares how she recruits and manages her 20-person marketing team spread across the US.
Struggling with your salary negotiations? Want to ask for more but just not sure how? In this episode of Marketers Take Flight, I’m talking to Jason Ybarra about all things salary. Negotiations, promotions, and increasing your salary. Both with a new opportunity or within the company you are already in. Jason shares with us some tips for negotiating during interviews, reviews, and when it’s time to request more.
Having your first day at a new job start at home feels a bit weird, but maybe the normal for at least a few more months. I sat down with my boss, Sarah, to talk about my firm’s onboarding process and her experience with virtually onboarding over a dozen new hires.
It’s HERE! THE newest place to get training, tools, and resources specific to A/E/C marketing. It’s called MARKET-ers’ Place and it’s officially open for business. Access MARKET-ers’ Place Here: Why I Created MARKET-ers’ Place When I first started out as a marketing coordinator at an engineering firm, I had…
If you’re part of the interview process for your A/E/C firm, you’re probably familiar with standard or mundane interview questions. Here’s some “unique” interview techniques to consider.