This episode explores the power of ChatGPT for AEC marketers. I share 10 different real-life examples to use this AI tool to speed up both marketing and proposal content creation. I also share some cautions and limitations of the tool.

This episode explores the power of ChatGPT for AEC marketers. I share 10 different real-life examples to use this AI tool to speed up both marketing and proposal content creation. I also share some cautions and limitations of the tool.
I’m celebrating 100 episodes on my podcast! 🥳️ And to mark this milestone, I’ve invited my listeners to share some of their favorite episodes with me. Listen to the 100th episode to see if your favorite made the list.
How to work around roadblocks in your assignments? Why is follow-up so important? And, how do you know if you are speaking up too much (or too little)? These questions and others you may have been too afraid to ask as a newbie are answered by two industry experts.
This podcast list is becoming an annual occurrence for Marketers Take Flight. This is now the third annual podcast list article I’ve written. This year I decided to focus just on podcasts for marketing coordinators. You can read the first one here and the second one year. I think I…
It’s HERE! THE newest place to get training, tools, and resources specific to A/E/C marketing. It’s called MARKET-ers’ Place and it’s officially open for business. Access MARKET-ers’ Place Here: Why I Created MARKET-ers’ Place When I first started out as a marketing coordinator at an engineering firm, I had…
It’s critically important for your career growth to continue to improve your skills and expertise. This can’t be solely by doing the work, managing more or larger proposals. It comes through self-education. Learn more about the power of self-education in this new article.
While I was reflecting over the past decade, I thought about the lessons I learned and would love to tell my 10-year ago self. I want to share them with you in hopes that you can take some of my wisdom and learn them in less than 10 years!
Add to your learning with podcasts. I have updated the original list of podcasts for A/E/C marketers from 2017, with a new list recommend from you, the readers of Marketers Take Flight. Discover both new and timeless podcasts for A/E/C marketers in this latest article.