Over a third of us have abandoned our New Year’s Resolutions by now. Why do we keep setting them? And what can we do instead? In this episode, I share the SMARTER Goal Framework and how that system can help you achieve your goals.

Over a third of us have abandoned our New Year’s Resolutions by now. Why do we keep setting them? And what can we do instead? In this episode, I share the SMARTER Goal Framework and how that system can help you achieve your goals.
As marketing professionals, and many of us as working moms, we have a lot on our minds all the time. What if there was a way, a system per se, that provides one central tracking location for everything – work projects to personal events. In this bonus episode, I share my struggles before I found the Full Focus System and how it’s helped me since.
Allow yourself to say goodbye to last year and enter the new year with a fresh slate. Set yourself up for a powerful, productive new year with this 3-question exercise.
Are you feeling like you are ready for the next step in your marketing career? Or maybe you are ready to shift and take on a different role, but you just aren’t sure how to do that. In this episode, Erika Booker shares how to identify what you want, find a champion, and make the mentor/mentee relationship work for both of you.
How to work around roadblocks in your assignments? Why is follow-up so important? And, how do you know if you are speaking up too much (or too little)? These questions and others you may have been too afraid to ask as a newbie are answered by two industry experts.
An introduction to proposal coordination, specific to the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. I cover the five areas involved in proposal coordination: win strategy, proposal management plan, scheduling, content development and getting information from technical staff.